These are a few of the sources we have used to know Alaska better.
Unknown. Alaska and Yukon Territory. IVC International Video Corporation, Video.
Alaska Video Postcards. 1993. Alaska’s Grizzlies. Alaska Video Postcards, Inc. Video.
Andrews, Susan B. and John Creed. 1998. Authentic Alaska: Voices of Its Native Writers. University of Nebraska Press, 177 pages.
Armstrong, Robert H. 1990. Guide to the Birds of Alaska. Alaska Northwest Books, 342 pages.
Banerjee, Subhankar. 2003. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Seasons of Life and Land. Mountaineers Books, 175 pages.
Beach, Rex. 1909. The Silver Horde. A.L. Burt Company, 390 pages.
Beckstead, Douglas. 2003. The World Turned Upside Down: A History of Mining on Coal Creek and Woodchopper Creek, Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, Alaska. National Park Service, 280 pages.
Campbell, James. 2004. The Final Frontiersman: Heimo Korth and His Family, Alone in Alaska’s Arctic Wilderness. Atria Books, 303 pages.
Capra, Doug. 1996. Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska. Wesleyen University Press, 203 pages.
Coastal Services Center. 2001. Kachemak Bay Ecological Characterization. Kachemak Bay Research Reserve and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, CD ROM.
Collet, Dominique M. 2008. Insects of South-central Alaska. Kenai Watershed Forum, 192 pages.
Conner, Cathy and Daniel O’Haire. 1988. Roadside Geology of Alaska. Mountain Press, 251 pages.
Cornell, Joseph. 1987. Listening to Nature: How to Deepen Your Awareness of Nature. Dawn Publications, 95 pages.
Dauenhauer, Richard. 1980. Glacier Bay Concerto. Alaska Pacific University, 120 pages.
Deans, Nora, editor. 2004. Kenai Trails. Alaska Natural History Association, 62 pages.
Delorme Mapping. 1992. Alaska Atlas & Gazetteer. Delorme Mapping, first edition, fourth printing, 156 pages.
DeFresne, Jim. 1994. Alaska: A Travel Survival Kit. Lonely Planet Publications, 442 pages.
Dixon, Michael. 1996. Alaska Bound: A Life of Travels and Adventure in the Far North.Dixon Publishing Company, 191 pages.
Embick, Andrew R.. 1994. Fast & Cold: A Guide to Alaska Whitewater. Valdez Alpine Books, 292 pages.
Field, Carmen M. & Conrad J. 1999. Alaska’s Seashore Creatures: A Guide to Selected Marine Invertebrates. Alaska Northwest Books, 94 pages.
Fulda. 1997. Yukon Quest: The Toughest Race on Earth. Fulda, Video.
Gray, Paul. Date Unknown. K’Bec Footprints. DVD.
Gray, Paul. Date Unknown. Running With the Dogs. Tustumena 200, Alaska’s Sled Dog Race, Video.
Haines, John. 1989. The Stars, the Snow, the Fire: Twenty-five Years in the Alaska Wilderness. A Washington Square Press Publication of Pocket Books, 182 pages.
Halfpenny, James. 1986. A Field Guide to Mammal Tracking in North America. Johnson Books, 161 pages.

Hammond, Jay. 1994. Tales of Alaska’s Bush Rat Governor: The Extraordinary Autobiography of Jay Hammond, Wilderness Guide and Reluctant Politician. Epicenter Press, 340 pages.
Hammond, Jay. 2001. Chips from the Chopping Block. Epicenter Press, 192 pages.
Hanley, Anne and Carolyn Kremers, editors. 2005. The Alaska Reader: Voices from the North. Fulcrum Publishing, 284 pages.
Heacox, Kim. 2005. The Only Kayak: A Journey into the Heart of Alaska. The Lyons Press, 249 pages.
Hedin, Robert and Gary Hollthaus, editors. 1989. Alaska: Reflections on Land and Spirit. The University of Arizona Press, 323 pages.
Henning, Robert A. 1993. Alaska’s Bears. Alaska Geographic Society, Alaska Geographic Series, vol. 28, no. 4.
Hilscher, Hilary. 1984. Alaska II. Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company, 159 pages.
Hilscher, Hilary and Susan Ruddy, editors. 1995. Understanding and Conserving Alaska’s Kenai River Watershed. The Nature Conservancy, 30 pages.
Hoffman, Alison, editor. 1991. Fodor’s 92 Alaska. Fodor’s Travel Publications, Inc., 256 pages.
Jaffe, Andrew, 1986. Alaska: Southeast to McKinley. Ruzzoli International Publications, Inc., 184 pages.
Jenkins, Ken L. 1995. Grizzly Reflections. ICS Books, Inc., 55 pages.
Jenkins, Peter. 2001. Looking for Alaska. St. Martin’s Press, 434 pages.
Jettmar, Karen. 1993. The Alaska River Guide: Canoeing, Kayaking, and Rafting in the Last Frontier. Alaska Northwest Books, 302 pages.
Johnson, Katherine. 2002. Buried Dreams: The Rise and Fall of a Clam Cannery on the Katmai Coast. National Park Service, 124 pages.
Kantner, Seth. 2004. Ordinary Wolves. Milkweed Editions, 330 pages.
Keith, Sam. 1973. One Man’s Wilderness: An Alaskan Odyssey. Alaska Northwest Books,223 pages.
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Kister, Chad. 2003. Arctic Quest: Odyssey Through a Threatened Wilderness. Common Courage Press, 286 pages.
Klein, Janet. 1987. A History of Kachemak Bay: The Country, the Communities. Homer Society of Natural History, 115 pages.
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Langdon, Steve J. 1993. The Native People of Alaska. Greatland Graphics, 96 pages.
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Murray, John A. 1990. A Republic of Rivers: Three Centuries of Nature Writing from Alaska and the Yukon. Oxford University Press, 325 pages.
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O’Donoghue, Brian Patrick. 1999. Honest Dogs: A Story of Triumph and Regret from the World’s Toughest Sled Dog Race. Epicenter Press, 336 pages.
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Pederson, Walt & Elsa. 1983. A Larger History of the Kenai Peninsula. Adams Press, 160 pages.
Pratt, Verna E. 1989. Field Guide to Alaskan Wildflowers. Alaskakrafts Publishing, 136 pages.
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Quick, Daniel L. 1995. The Kenai Canoe Trails. Northlite Publishing Company, 167 pages.
Rennick, Penny. 1990. The Middle Yukon River. Alaska Geographic, Vol. 17, No. 3, 96 pages.
Rennick, Penny. 1994. The Kenai Peninsula. Alaska Geographic, Vol. 21, No. 2, 128 pages.
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Rice, Larry. 1990. Gathering Paradise: Alaska Wilderness Journeys. Fulcrum Publishing, 303 pages.
Ritter, Harry. 1993. Alaska’s History: The People, Land, and Events of the North Country. Alaska Northwest Books, 143 pages.
Rourke, Mike. 1985. Yukon River: Marsh Lake, Yukon to Circle, Alaska. Rivers North Publications, 157 pages.
Rowlands, Mark. 2009. The Philosopher and the Wolf: Lessons from the Wild on Love, Death, and Happiness. Pegasus Books, 256 p.
Ryan, Alan, editor. 1997. The Reader’s Companion to Alaska. Harcourt Brace & Company, 395 pages.
Sabella, John & Associates. Date Unknown. Syd Wright’s Alaska: A Tribute to His Memory. John Sabella & Associates Incorporated, Video.
Salisbury, Gay and Laney Salisbury. 2003. The Cruelest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race Against an Epidemic. W.W. Norton & Company, 303 pages.
Schofield, Janice J. 1997. Alaska’s Wild Plants: A Guide to Alaska’s Edible Harvest. Alaska Northwest Books, 96 pages.
Schooler, Lynn. 2002. The Blue Bear: A Story of Friendship and Discovery in the Alaskan Wild. HarperCollins Publishers, 272 pages.
Scott, Alastair. 1990. Tracks Across Alaska: A Dog Sled Journey. The Atlantic Monthly Press, 247 pages.
Service, Robert W. 1989. The Best of Robert Service. A Perigee Book, 216 pages.
Shanahan, Daniel. 1995. The Alaska Poems. Stone Soup Poetry, 60 pages.
Sims, Grant. 1994. Leaving Alaska. The Atlantic Monthly Press, 315 pages.
Skyriver Films. Date Unknown. Aurora: Rivers of Light in the Sky. Skyriver Films, Video.
Smith, Carolyn, editor. 1994. The Alaska Almanac: Facts About Alaska, 18th. Edition. Alaska Northwest Books, 223 pages.
Steelquist, Robert. 1996. Field Guide to the Pacific Salmon. Sasquatch Books, 64 pages.
Steinbright, Jan. 2001. Qayaqs & Canoes: Native Ways of Knowing. Alaska Native Heritage Center, 125 pages.
Stringham, Stephen F. 2007. Bear Viewing in Alaska: Expert Techniques for a Great Adventure. Falcon Guides, 101 pages.
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Wallis, Velma. 1994. Two Old Women: An Alaska Legend of Betrayal, Courage and Survival. HarperPerennial, 140 pages.
Wallis, Velma. 2002. Raising Ourselves: A Gwitch’in Coming of Age Story from the Yukon River. Epicenter Press, 212 pages.
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White, Helen A., editor. 1989. Alaska-Yukon Wild Flowers Guide. Alaska Northwest Books, 218 pages.
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