The Alaskan interior is dominated by the Alaska mountain range. The entire region shows evidence of a time when glaciers covered everything. Today, broad river valleys, rolling foothills and the great northern boreal forest of spruce, birch and willow trees cover the landscape. Crystal clear streams with their payload of salmon, rainbow trout, arctic grayling […]
Yukon River Canoeing
The Yukon River originates in Canada and flows all the way through the Yukon Territory and Alaska to the Bering Sea. Approximately 2,000 miles in length, this broad, flat and fast river is the third longest river in North America. Our trip begins near the United States-Canada border at the small town of Eagle, Alaska. […]
Prince William Sound Sea Kayaking
Prince William Sound is located in the extreme northwestern part of the Gulf of Alaska. Influenced by the warm Japanese Current, the landscape and seascape are part of the northern temperate rainforest that extends along the entire Pacific Northwest Coast. Large amounts of snow, resulting from the warm waters of the Current coming in contact […]
Nenana River Whitewater Paddling And Denali Tour
The Nenana River originates out of the Nenana Glacier on the south side of the Alaska Mountain Range. The river first flows west and then cuts its way north through the mountains as it passes through Denali National Park on its way to join the Tanana River, a tributary of the Yukon River. This region […]
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Flatwater Paddling
The Kenai Peninsula in south central Alaska is topographically and geologically diverse with tall mountains, broad valleys, rolling foothills, turquoise-colored lakes and rivers, ice fields, glaciers, northern boreal forests and coastal lakes and wetlands. A great deal of this wonderful landscape is contained within a six and one half million-acre national forest and a two […]
Kachemak Bay Sea Kayaking
Kachemak Bay is located near the southern end of the Kenai Peninsula in southcentral Alaska. It is a microcosm of the state with its rich marine environments, coastal mountains, alpine tundra, glaciers and wildlife. The bay is at the western end of the northern temperate rainforest that extends along the entire Pacific Northwest coast. Kachemak […]
Chulitna River Whitewater Canoeing & Hiking
The Chulitna River originates between the Alaska and Talkeetna Mountain ranges in Southcentral Alaska. It flows through parts of both Denali National Park & Preserve and Denali State Park. The Middle and East Forks of the Chulitna River are both clear and fast. Downstream of their confluence, the main channel becomes glacial, faster and alternates […]